
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;2timothy3:4 Thought maybe I should expound on the previous post. But again difficult as posting from my phone. I am not hear to tell you what to do, but I am also not hear to keep my mouth shut about Truth. Many many times in the NT is there warnings that a time will come when people/Christians will not want to hear the Truth.. They will want to hear another gospel .. One that is easier on the ears... One that doesn't tell them how to live or what to change.. One that tells them that they are good enough.. That they are saved.. That they should look forward to heavens open gates.. One that actually Denies what Jesus actually said. He said to change. He said we must all change and become Servants of God and die to our flesh and take up our cross and follow Him. Or we have no Hope. He said that narrow is the way and few there be that find it. The truth is we all want to do whatever we want.. Think whatever we want.. Lust and love and feel whatever we want for whoever we want whenever we want. This will lead us to spiritual death aka Hell aka Damnation aka weeping and knashing of teeth forever. Yes. That is what Jesus said. Tough pill to swallow. I am not going to lie to you like your other friends and family. I will not lie to you like you are lying to yourself. Because I love you because I don't want you or anyone else to live in the regret and horror of eternity. Because it is so wonderfull and honest and exciting to now prepare for our end. To now read and pray and earnestly try our best to live in the Word. There is no Salvation or Hope otherwise. I refuse to regret warning you. Because I love you. Be deceived God is not mocked for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to the flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption. He that soweth to the spirit shall of the spirit reap everlasting life(Paul).. Our days are few and numbered. Seek and you shall find. Go church shopping. Read. Pray. Be willing to find out the truth. Be willing to be honest about your desires and deeds. Ask God what is right and wrong now. Judgement day is too late. Please. The other word I used in my last post was reprobate.. There is a vs that speaks about how people who are unwilling and dishonest for long enough God will just let them be that way. Let them live in self deciet .. They will have no conviction. No guilt. No fear. Infact they will probably have some sortof self righteousness or peace or comfort living for themselves. But the sad truth is these people are lost. I guess that's enough for today folks. I am desperately tryig not to condemn and accuse and sound high and mighty. I am simply trying to paraphrase the Bible incase someone out there actually cares.

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