A little MJ

Heal the world Make it a better place For you and for me And the entire human race Yes Nice Words Should we all do are best to be nice and contribute to the betterment of humanity--sure Is the world ever gonna be a better place? These are the words of Michael not Jesus. Jesus said there would be war and it would continue. Jesus said he did not come to bring peace on earth. He came to bring a sword to divide.. Even to divide families.. He did come to bring Peace in our hearts/spirit/soul.. But not for nations.. What I am pondering today folks is Is World Peace even condusive(sp) with Christianity.. Is trying to Save the World conducive ? Isn't God just going to make a new heaven and earth anyways? Of coarse I recycle and think it's good and necessary and even Righteous to Respect our environment;creation itself is a gift.. But "saving" the world.. I'm not sure... Like didn't God tell Adam that everything was made for man to Use? I guess maybe it's a fine line between use and waste Being wasteful cannot be right That would appear as being unthankful no?


  1. if world peace isn't conducive to christianity, what is? inaction?

    saving the world is saving people. jesus spent every minute of his time saving people.

    you are incredibly mixed up. i see below you speak of getting people to go church shopping. You should try it. you may learn some astounding things. open your heart like you are encouraging others to do.
