Some people have loved one person and they married that person. Some people pretend they have only loved one person and they married that person Some people have probably never really loved another person and remain wondering about these things Some people I am sure get married to someone they love and then find they have feelings for someone else. That is scary stuff. I say run. Move. Change anything to remove yourself from that person. Pray for help. Deliverance. Some people have loved others before in different ways. I am one of those people. I would be lying if I said I never felt something for someone else before. The reason I am writing this is it's on my mind as I also dreamt about an ex last night. I dreamt I loved them. But then the dream turned into a nightmare as the story progressed the same way the relationship did. It reminded me again of all the different kind of "Loves" there are. I am no Master of Love but I will think of some: Godly Love Brotherly Love Universal Love Motherly Love Teenage I love you so much I'm gonna cry Your so cute I want to barf Love Your so funny and smart I want to barf Love I love you like a friend Love I used to lust after you but now I don't Love And the worst : I love you so much I can't shake you even though I should Love That one I don't even know if it should be called "Love" but that's what it feels like. The best Love to marry I think is: I trust you. Know you. Know you are the one. See your faults. Act like myself. Peace Love Anyway. Whatever loves you have known may not be as I have known. My neighbor is In a very contolled marriage where she is not allowed to talk about an ex ever. Like as if she never had an ex. I have had exes. That's life. I even really cared about them. That's life. I am so glad that my future included none of them. I was glad To awaken out of my love romance nightmare to my still sick husband making pancakes with his kids. Thank you Deliverance.

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