I'm sorry, but have we met?

So this is nothing new. But feels new to me today: We are not today who we were yesterday. Here's my attempt; my gift I will try to give you. Yesterday. 10yrs ago.  You may have been a jerk You may have been something ugly You may have seemed this or that But today I want to give you the chance to be free: to be new;  If you are again who you were. That's ok. Tomorrow I want you to know that      It's a new day.  In theatre school the worst thing for an actor was to be "typecast".. Where you were always cast as the same type of character. It was a problem because it could ruin your career; people would not see who else you could be. The worst judgement I am thinking today, is not judgements of the day, but gross assumptions based on yesterday.. How can we change and be  better Christians, mothers, friends  if people think they have already figured us out and that people don't change? Because people do change. They change with experience, with time, with God. In fact they must change. We must all change . So why not make it easier on each other. I know I am the first to "typecast". But today I am thinking life could be even more interesting if we allowed people to surprise us, or even just gave them more than one chance..like how about a million chances? How does that sound. Isn't that what God is doing for us? My favorite thing is being surprised by a person (not like boo! Or yikes)  like " wow I thought that chic was such a cow, and she's actually really sweet".. Or how about if someone does act like a cow that we just assume that they are really fantastic deep down but they are going through something. One thing I know is no matter how hard I try, someone some where will be offended ; maybe rightfully so, maybe not.. I am so glad for people that have given me chance after chance after chance.. That's it for now, chin up newby!

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