
Sorry that last post sounded sort of negative. Truth is right now in this exact moment I couldn't feel more positive about life. Presently my daughter is outside swallowing fresh falling snow. This isn't just any snow. These are the BiggestFlakesofTheYear .. They are falling so hard and so fast it's like we are drowning in beautiful whirling wonderment. I am so thank full right now for a backyard In a free country with healthy kids. I wouldn't call myself outdoorsy. I don't hike or ski or skate or run or swim. I am not even remotely interested in marathons or son boarding or skidding or water skiing. But I am outdoorsy in that I love to go outside. I love to sit on my deck or walk in grass. I love to Stare at the clouds and wonder at the wind. I love storms. My neighbors think I am crazy. There I am no matter what weather sitting outside. Just sitting. Just existing. No matter what the mood; it's always better outside. I especially love my south facing fully windowed kitchen. My geraniums are literally 3 ft tall. K it's so snowy right now I almost lost my child. Good thing I can hear we strung buttons. My mom had given me her life collection of buttons and right now they are pretending to be a chandelier... Pretty cute actually. Today I also looked after the neighbor girl for the day.. Last time she was in my care she dropped the F Bomb twice! Ya that was she is a bit of work, but actually it's good for me. Anywy babbling here.. Got to go

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