
now i see that Lori is reading- i must take the time to apologize to her. I am fairly sure that one of the last times i actually talked to her on the phone, she was telling me about how her kids were still getting up in the night and she didn't want to let them cry it out(if i recall they were aprox.2 and the were waking up once in the night).
my response was based entirely on an opinion, not from experience and I said something along the lines that i thought there was nothing to debate and they should be left to cry it out.
well darling, i now have a child.
and she wakes up somewhere between 3-5 times a night. every night. all the time.
she is the lightest sleeper of all time.
and I am confident that i will never let her "cry it out."
its funny how we like to think there is a simple blanket answer to raising children, ie. at 6months let them cry. at 9 months they should sleep 12hrs. straight at night. by 2 they should ...yadayadayada- and well as the saying goes "rules are meant to be broken" or my personal favorite "what a load of garbage!"
I have never met 2 children who were exactly the same, or two parents that were exactly the same. I have never known anyone who slept exactly like me, or who ate the same as me. we are unique and I believe parenting should be unique because of that. i am happy for those mothers and fathers that have found a System that works for them, but I am even happier for those people when they find out they need to adjust that System.
so anyway- sorry Lori for being an opinionated unexperienced fool. I obviously did not have a clue. Heres to reality checks that teach us that Life is about Learning.


  1. I think we've all put our feet squarely down our own throats a time or two on the topic of parenting.

    Ahhh, yes, Live and Learn!

  2. LOL! No worries girlfriend! Guess what.... they STILL wake up! But it's been WAY better the past 2 months. But I'd say 1 in every 4 nights that I sleep through the night because I don't have one or the other tapping me on my shoulder while asleep!
    I think we've broken every rule book, but I've given up and just done what works for us! Afterall we have to survive somehow right? :)
    Love ya! Lori
