july 2nd 2004. sent to my inbox-

"lets be clear about a couple things here.... you are not better orworse than anyone, just different. and not even that different.Your heart works. It loves and laughs and gets crushed. You are maybe not the kinda girl who will live in one house or have one job for the rest of your life, but you are more grounded in truth than most people I know and that is supposed to matter more than anything else. I don'tknow how to make you believe that though, when you are living here now today in this life..... Those sunny smiles that everyone else have pasted on their face is not them handling life better than you... it is them not handling life at all... and maybe just pretending better. But you are not stuck here robin, and there is no such thing as a mistake. There are just choices, and some are better than others, and some you'll wish you hadn't have made, but that is called LIVING. this is life, and we don't get that much of it, so live the way you have to to get through and don't worry about the naysayers... they will always be there, and yes sometimes for your own good.... but ultimately it's up to you. Up to You. and i know you'll do the right thing if the right thing is revealed. but i love you regardless so go sit on the beach and paint and have barefeet and flowers in you hair... whatever it takes."

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