my husband

has a trait that i wish upon every husband for the sake of their wife

he is not a picky eater
he will eat anything- or nothing

and if there is nothing
he does not complain

never once
and believe me
many a time
i don't cook

i don't really like cooking, and i am not that good at it, and i am not a picky eater- like i snack all day on things that make up a sandwhich- i don't ever make meals. if i cook it is a OnePlateDitty
ie. casserole, curry meal, shanghai, pasta, salad. that's pretty much my repertoire
and maybe one day it will change and maybe not

hubby is well acquainted with making himself scrambled eggs, or eating a microwave special.
and i really appreciate that.
nothing would be worse for me then the pressure to be
Suzy HomeMaker (i think thats her name)
I am more Amelia Bedilda(we all know her right?)

so thanks hubby
for making my existence
a little easier

1 comment:

  1. Bahahaha... Amelia Bedilia.

    You are on a roll tonight.
