Skinny Obsession

See the thing is, if we study Art we will learn from looking at paintings of the most beautiful women of the last jillion years that they had meat on them. meat on top, meat on bottom, etc. Why- that was beautiful because it represented health and nutrition to societies that had huge poverty and starvation issues... so the curvy women were sought after to reproduce because clearly they were well looked after... now we (as in N. America) live in different times ie. lots of obesity, mcdonalds etc. so now the 'model babe' is the skinniest chic around- to the point of the insane- now there are opposite issues like- lets barf our supper into the toilet..nice.
Anyway-why am I blathering on ?
Because today I was thinking how crazy it is that women want to look so skinny- like as if they spent the entire day doing hard labour and like they can't afford a milkshake... doesn't sound like fun to me... I am all for healthy lifestyle, but lets admit we all know some people who take the 'skinny' thing a bit far... frankly you look like a 10 year old.
its sortof sad

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