re: best day

why i ask?
because - not sure if I have had a best day
but i have surely had a best moment
and the reason I know that it was the best moment of my life
so far
is because of the little voice that said
"this is the best moment of your life"

it was early spring- also known as winter
and my daughter was a few months old
and I had a really difficult time with her beginning
and I was having a bath
and I remember my friend telling me about her baths that she had had with her babies
and I thought, I'll give it a whirl
and so I picked up my little wiggly bird of a baby
and she joined me cheek to cheek
and she was silent and so was I
the lights were off and the dim winter light shone through the high window in the bathroom on us
and we bonded
no doubt
I had never before felt so in Love
and so lucky and so warm and fuzzy
and I knew
no doubt
this was the best moment of my life
and it changed me
for good
I am really not trying to wax poetic on this subject, but I can't help myself
sometimes there are moments that are pure poetry
no doubt


  1. How absolutely beautiful. I've had some of my best moments with my daughter when she was in the hospital, ironic eh. You really really bond when you have the not fun stuff hanging over your heads. Thankfully that stuff should no longer be an issue.
    Will you be at Dids 1? We will Sat and Sun. Need to see you. xo

  2. Love. I have had a few bests in the tub myself with those little creatures.
